A SIMPLE REQUEST Lord, I know the duty of a hostess, but please let it be that this year either rain clouds visit me or my loneliness. OBSTINATE Why should I be the first to phone? He knows too: last…
THE SOFT FRAGRANCE OF MY JASMINE The soft fragrance of my jasmine Floats on the breeze Plays with the hand of the wind, Is setting off in search of you. The soft fragrance of my jasmine Has curled around my…
ANGELS WE ARE NOT I Trees stand upright, devoid of airs Birds roam aimlessly Clouds, one of their species, Are afloat without wings It is certain now that the time of rain’s begun Horses are deep in their practice run,…
That day too, Ashok had gone away after a quarrel. As he left, he kicked a stool out of his way. The stool that was thrown against the wall seemed to lend an emphasis to his protest. She was also…
Abstract: The 62-poem anthology Poetry at Midnight is a translation of ‘Pathuntanipookal’ that Ayyappa Paniker published in the middle of 2004, four and a half decades after Kurukshetram and fifteen years after Gothrayanam, the saga of humanity.’ In between he…
Keywords: Malayalam poetry, Malayalam translation, aspects of life, concept of love, death, romantic imagery Ayyappa Parliker’s Gotrayanam’ translated into English as Southbound) belongs to the period 1985 – 1989. Extolled as an. epic for its theme relating to. the…
Keywords: romantic poetry, Malayalam poetry, Kurushetram, modernism, Malayalam translations Ayyappa Paniker came to be counted as one of the most notable poets in. Kerala after the publication of Kurukshetram’, the first modernist poem in Malayalam. Kurukshetram’ is central in Paniker’s…
Ye, ancient tales that once cast shadow tents along the blue grassland* trails Satis who dived into every drop of pyre to seize a thousand suns Stiff blocks, tough to the chisel Young shoots ignorant of the tang of soil…
“Taking one’s own life — surely that’s a sign of cowardice — of inadequacy and cowardice.” “I won’t grant you that it’s cowardice. Is it cowardice to throw yourself before a moving train?” “Oh, no, brave of you, then? Just…