Behind the Memory Lane: The Toponymy of Select Places in Thiruvananthapuram


  • Athira A R



Toponymy, Thiruvananthapuram, memories, place names, history, identity


We are shaped by a plethora of tales. They elucidate, educate and escort throughout our lives, sometimes adding a sparkle to our lives.Behind the place names in the city of Thiruvananthapuram is a colourful blend of its age-old memories and contemporary lifestyle. This paper explores how the city got its name and takes us towards its camouflaged past. There is a veritable mine of memories intertwined with myth and mystery. Delving into the toponymy of the place revives,through a cognitive process, the splendid images of its by-gone days. It is then carved into our memory, giving us a sense of belonging to this land of magnificent origins that is surrounded by the towering Western Ghats and the vast Arabian Sea.




How to Cite

Athira A R. “Behind the Memory Lane: The Toponymy of Select Places in Thiruvananthapuram”. Samyukta: A Journal of Gender and Culture, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 2019, doi:10.53007/SJGC.2019.V4.I1.108.