Abstract: Embarrassment, shame and humiliation form a spectrum of negative emotions that are both self-conscious and other-regarding. This paper studies this spectrum to understand humiliation. Conventional studies on humiliation presuppose intersubjective mediation between the self and the other and a visceral…
Abstract: The mainstream naturalistic approach to the human body and mind understands wellness and illness as complete and mutually exclusive states. The existential ontology of Martin Heidegger, on the other hand, is helpful in understanding being well and ill as…
Abstract: On being encountered by disease/illness we develop remedial measures to cope with it. These remedial measures may be seen as the operative health systems in a given culture. This, however, is not to assert that there is, and can…
CAROLYN PEDWELL Abstract: Opening up modes of political thinking and feeling take us beyond Euro-American calls to ‘put oneself in the other’s shoes’, this article explores how empathy is generated within, circulated through, and productive of transnational power relations. It…
Abstract: Andal’s Tiruppavai recognises the unity of all the living beings of the world. It encodes the quintessence of all the religions of the world as it highlights the basic values of charity, good will, self-discipline, universal love, and the…
Abstract: Though specific gender roles had been allocated from the beginning of mankind, ensuring the wellbeing or wellness of the whole family has always been largely the responsibility of women. The idea of wellness indicates the presence of well-being and…