Abstract: Through counter narratives of Malayali modernity, autobiographical writings of Nalini Jameela and C. K. Janu puncture Kerala’s claim to an egalitarian social structure. By exposing the hypocrisy of modern Malayali society these narratives challenge the hierarchical constitution of intellectual…
Abstract: Bombay Gnanam (Gnanam Balasubramanian) started the all-women Mahalakshmi Ladies Drama Group (MLDG) in 1989. It hasn’t been easy for the women to take time from family responsibilities, but they make the time because the troupe provides a space for…
Abstract : In contemporary works of Indian fictional writers like Salman Rushdie, Shashi Tharoor, Amitav Ghosh, Vikram Chandra, Aswin Sanghi, Amish Tripathi – and the list is rather long – it could be seen that the theory of history that…
Abstract : This paper attempts to bring to light a few lesser-known heroic figures in and around 1857 Bundelkhand, who have never figured in the pages of mainstream history and whose voices have never been heard by the students and…
Abstract: With the words quoted below, Gadis Arivia recalled the start of her own and other women’s feminist activism in Indonesia two decades ago, opening an interview on August 5, 2016 with Margot Badran on women’s activism broadly and on…
Abstract: This narrative draws on conversations between Kyai Husein Muhammad and Margot Badran reconstructed by the latter upon careful review of recorded discussions that began in the Netherlands at the Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World…
Abstract : The paper examines the official documents of the Raj to investigate the structure of feelings of the British colonisers at any given point in time during their occupation of India. A limited scrutiny of British official communication in…
Abstract : A city is often formed on the basis of a collective memory. This collective memory could be an ideal based on accounts of a city that once existed or a vision of man’s perception of perfection that draws…
Abstract: The cultural history, memory and myth of Lakshadweep are closely related to the lives of the island women. But the matrilineal patriarchy at work in the society acts as a shackle that tames the thoughts and experiences of women.…
Unlike other ethnic writers growing up under colonialism and discovering the freedom of postcolonial identities, I loved my colonial education. The school I went to summed up the cultural complexity of Hong Kong in the 50s and 60s. From the…
“A little girl, not yet two years of age, is tied to a pillar with a piece of string. Her cousin, a boy, who is a couple of months older to her, is allowed to roam free. The mother is…
Kerala is one of the states lying in the south-western part of India. One the most prominent features of the social history of 19th century Kerala was the revival of education among women. This revival is inseparably linked to the…