Abstract : The paper examines the official documents of the Raj to investigate the structure of feelings of the British colonisers at any given point in time during their occupation of India. A limited scrutiny of British official communication in…
Abstract : Modernity is a difficult concept to define. More so are modernity’s local and national versions, as the term ‘modernity’ is understood primarily as a universal and universalising mindset. That is why we see an internal schism develop within…
Abstract : This paper explores the viability of invitational rhetoric as a mode of advocacy for sustainable energy use in the residential built environment. The theoretical foundations for this study join ecofeminist concepts and commitments with the conditions and resources…
Abstract : Academic discussions that have largely created space for a discourse of the subaltern have primarily focussed on questions and problems relating to a socio-cultural and political history of oppression. It has tried to locate the voice of the…
Abstract:The paper analyses the Mookkuthi Samaram and the discarding of kalla and mala as movements that gave bold expressions to the social aspirations of ‘subordinate castes’. While looking at these confrontations through the lens of caste and gender, one can…
Abstract : With genderspeak gaining volume and lexical complexity over the ages, it becomes imperative that the factors that have come together to consolidate our perceptions of gender and sexuality be examined. The sociological, religious and colonial drives that have…
Abstract : Cinema, a narrative of life, finds expression within the cultural matrix of the community. It weaves stories rooted in the social milieu and enriched by social experiences. A major milestone in the Indian culture, cinema is an endearing…
Abstract : Any attempt to describe the 1947 partition of British India into the two nation states of India and Pakistan inevitably brings to the fore the problematic configurations of modernity and tradition. The events that led to this moment…
Abstract : A city is often formed on the basis of a collective memory. This collective memory could be an ideal based on accounts of a city that once existed or a vision of man’s perception of perfection that draws…