Review of the contributions of a Major Thinker. This issue of Samyukta highlights the contribution of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda ( Narendra Nath Datta, 1863- 1902), the leading spokesman for modern Hinduism in the late 19th century is known globally…
It may be that a second wave of the sexual revolution might at last accomplish its aim of freeing half the race from its immemorial subordination – and in the process bring us all a great deal closer to…
Profile of a Feminist This issue of Samyukta gives a profile of Germaine Greer in its regular series on major feminists. Abstract: This is a study of Germaine Greer who is one of the most important voices of feminism and…
Profile of a Feminist This issue of SAMYUKTA gives a profile of Simone de Beauvoir in its regular series on major feminist therorists. One of the factors that has always hailed women’s writing is its invisibility – particularly when juxtaposed…
Review of the contributions of a major thinker This issue of SAMYUKTA highlights the contributions of Sree Narayana Guru, a great thinker and social reformer of Kerala (1856-1928). Romain Rolland says of the Guru, “He was one might say, jnanin…
Profile of a Feminist This issue of Samyukta gives a profile of Betty Friedan in its regular series on major feminists. Abstract: At eighty today, Betty Friedan is the grand old lady of the feminist movement. Born in Peoria, she…