Tag Vol2.1

Slanting Showers

The love of an old man Is like the slanting shower- It wets the blades of grass But penetrates not The thirsty root. It doesn’t cause The boughs to tremble No vibration… It rustles down — A quiver Of arrow-like…

Your Younger Daughter

“Tuniya, run and post this letter.” “ Tuniya, bring cold water.” “ I’ve put milk on the gas. Remain near, Tuniya. Don’t do anything. When the milk starts boiling,turn the gas off.” All day Tuniya is running. Back from school,…

There is Quiet here now

Her sorrows kept vigil with her in the darkness while, Meghanad sprawled, fast asleep, on the white bed spread. Before sleeping, Meghanad had told her that white sheets were something he insisted on, for all colours dissolved in white.To her,…

Time and Space

1. A lone bower under the shining moon And in the shade, My heart sings like a beetle in monotone My words are fire flies, hot thoughts cut them into pieces Yet, I hear the incessant murmur of new born…

Secret rain & His love

Eyes keep listening to the sound of the footsteps of those rain drops Ears keep seeing the wind shutting the window Dear restlessness continues to kiss the cheek Ocean of wet signatures continues to knock at the door There no…

Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124