Time and Space

1. A lone bower under the shining moon

And in the shade,

My heart sings like a beetle in monotone

My words are fire flies, hot thoughts cut them into pieces

Yet, I hear the incessant murmur of new born words Helen!

He promises paradise to you, do not listen

Your hands are the keys to all heaven

Kshetra-Beeja nyaya is a worn out logic of deceit

The die-hard patriarch spreads hell on the earth

2. Storm clouds of distress churn within,

Like lightning flashes, the thought waves

Daytime, that wall was naked white and clean

In the night it covered itself with dazzling slogans,

Soul is prisoner of the body

Prohibited are natural desires

Afraid that womanhood will pierce through him

He conceals his throbbing heart under a coat of mail

3. Rain of dollars, drenching male heads

Now, humanness is a coin, no more in circulation

It’s impossible to forget grandma, who thought

That the human heart is made of butter

Let us give milk to the snakes and fold hands in reverence

So that they would let us live, but why… why should we live?

Oh, just to present the skies with some shining sentences….

Thunder and lightning reign in the sky

Blood rains on the earth Shall we, then, elope?

4. East wind woke us, placed us in the war zone

West wind disturbs, to imprison in globalization

Time is running blindly angry

I look up for flickers of light in the angry clouds

The earthly scenes of childhood games

Sweet memories that help this life go on

Poems throw a lifeline to me in distress

Like the smiles on the lips of sleeping babies

Words of the men throw electronic nets over me

They are heartless and foreign to my nature.


Co-ordinator, Anveshi Research Center for Women’s Studies. Has published a collection of short stories titled Rekkalunna Pilla, lady with wings, in 1998. Has worked as a journalist for nearly 20 years in various magazines. Many magazines and literature pages in newspapers published her poems and short stories. Worked as a full time activist and editorial board member for Vimochana, for eight years. Was a member of Revolutionary Writers Association. Worked for Nalupu,. the first dalit magazine in Telugu, as working editor.

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Co-ordinator, Anveshi Research Center for Women’s Studies. Has published a collection of short stories titled Rekkalunna Pilla, lady with wings, in 1998. Has worked as a journalist for nearly 20 years in various magazines. Many magazines and literature pages in newspapers published her poems and short stories. Worked as a full time activist and editorial board member for Vimochana, for eight years. Was a member of Revolutionary Writers Association. Worked for Nalupu,. the first dalit magazine in Telugu, as working editor.

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