Chapter Fifteen The acclaim and the adoration was almost too much for the young woman, but on that memorable day something else happened that would stay with Chandraprabha forever. Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy’s speech followed Chandraprabha’s, and she was spellbound,…
A SIMPLE REQUEST Lord, I know the duty of a hostess, but please let it be that this year either rain clouds visit me or my loneliness. OBSTINATE Why should I be the first to phone? He knows too: last…
THE SOFT FRAGRANCE OF MY JASMINE The soft fragrance of my jasmine Floats on the breeze Plays with the hand of the wind, Is setting off in search of you. The soft fragrance of my jasmine Has curled around my…
All the houses look terribly alike – I’m afraid I might end up in some other man’s home. That fear kept haunting me as they took me away from the hospital. The doctors at the hospital had said I had…
The rest house was on a rise, in the middle of a dense forest; below it, over a flat bed filled with purplish rocks, rushed the Kalini Ganga, filling the air with noise and spray. The birds returning to roost…
My darling Dadima, Namaskaar ! Today when after weeks I came back to Kabul, the post was waiting for me. Besides yours, I have received other letters from home: Mom’s, Brother’s, Uma Didi’s and Sushmita’s. But sweetest letter is yours,…
A never-ending funeral march Looping itself around the cluster of hijal trees, a hairthin line ran parallel to the riverbank, cutting across the ground. Inside it were a few derelict huts, an empty field, a few date palms and the…
“This year the grain harvest has been good. There are five bags more than in other years. This was possible only with the blessings of Eedamma,” Ellamma said as she gazed at the bags – nine rows of them –…
ANGELS WE ARE NOT I Trees stand upright, devoid of airs Birds roam aimlessly Clouds, one of their species, Are afloat without wings It is certain now that the time of rain’s begun Horses are deep in their practice run,…
“I don’t want to get married, Mama.” This, from Kutty Malu a college student, incensed Paru Amma. Just when marriage proposals were streaming in for Kutty Malu, this whine from her! She knew it was not old times. All the…
Many, many arguments later, I decided I had to leave the place. I set out the most essential clothes, books and writing materials, and sent a telegram to Aunt Mabel about my arrival. On my way back after sending the…
The festival on Thirumandham Hill was at its peak. The sacred deity was being ceremoniously carried forth. Seven elephants, a traditional orchestra of five types of instruments, and a milling crowd. The sun blazed off the gilded head dresses of…