On a Night under the American sky

I open my eyes

Dreamily from sleep

With a feeling of ecstasy,

To find myself

Drenched in the moonlight

That falls over me

From the open window

Suddenly I hear a distant muffle,

My heart beats fast

To find another soul

From among all those

Who are death-like

In their sleep

I lower my senses

To the earth,

To listen to a hum…

I thought some heart,

Like my own, is singing,

I find my sanity

Deceiving me, it’s

Not a hum but a sob

With a curse that came

From the depths of a heart:

“I thought

You loved me, I

Thought you

Are my life, and

My destiny.

You liar, you Lo

ser, now you

Leave me in shadows

Of this night of

My lost feelings.”

I hear heavy footsteps

Pass below my window.

I saw a girl in red shirt,

Her black hair

In disarray

A back pack dangling

Over her shoulders.

With a tear in my eye

I look up into the sky,

To find dark clouds

Racing across the firmament.

There is no moon, no bright star

The sky is set

To shed some helpless tears, stars

I try to doze off

Into a deathly sleep, that would

save me from

The bitterness of being alive.


MAMATHA KODIDELA. MS in Computer Engineering from Fairly Dickison University at Teaneck, New Jersey. Some of her poems were published in Telugu newspapers. She has translated 20 stories of Satyajit Ray into Telugu, which Gurram, Maths Tecaher and the Winged Horse. She writes poems in English.

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MS in Computer Engineering from Fairly Dickison University at Teaneck, New Jersey. Some of her poems were published in Telugu newspapers. She has translated 20 stories of Satyajit Ray into Telugu, which Gurram, Maths Tecaher and the Winged Horse. She writes poems in English.

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