Secret rain & His love

Eyes keep listening to

the sound of the footsteps of those rain drops

Ears keep seeing the wind shutting the window

Dear restlessness continues to kiss the cheek

Ocean of wet signatures continues to knock at the door

There no one meets any one any longer

Secret torrential rain that leaves nothing for no one

is emitting youthfulness, throwing up desires

Come here, come let’s hold on tight to

loneliness that we can’t let go,

body that can’t come close,

rain that drenches and dries up fire!

Translated from Telugu by M. Sridhar and Alladi


When flowing beauty becomes the body

he’ll go on loving us

When strewn four figures become the salary he’ll go on loving us

When as patience personified we kneel down

as Mother Earth is witness

he’ll go on loving us

When the kitchen becomes us

when all household chores become ours

he’ll go on loving us


His love is always

Hemingway’s philosophy

Man can be destroyed

but not defeated.

When you question

his hungry looks

When you ask him

to share responsibilities

When you set out to prove that

he is also responsible

for a girl’s birth

Then he’ll say

you defiant bitches

yours is nothing but feminism

Translated from Telugu by M.Sridhar and Alladi Uma.

Translator’s Note

Kalpana Rentala is a poet, columnist and critic and works for Andhra Bhoomi. She has brought out a collection of her poems, entilted “Nenu Kanipinche Padarn.” She is interested in women’s issues and effects of globalisation. “Secret Rain” is a translation of Kalpana Rentala’s “Rahasyavana” from Nenu Kanipinche Padam, 2001, p. 39. “His Love” is translation of Kalpana Rentala’s “Vaadi Prema” from Nenu Kanipinche Padam, 2001, pp. 31-32.

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Kalpana Rentala is a poet, columnist and critic and works for Andhra Bhoomi. She has brought out a collection of her poems, entilted “Nenu Kanipinche Padarn.” She is interested in women’s issues and effects of globalisation. “Secret Rain” is a translation of Kalpana Rentala’s “Rahasyavana” from Nenu Kanipinche Padam, 2001, p. 39. “His Love” is translation of Kalpana Rentala’s “Vaadi Prema” from Nenu Kanipinche Padam, 2001, pp. 31-32

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