Tag vol4.2

Female Foeticide

Forum for Discussion In this issue of Samyukta, we discuss the PNDT act. In the 1991 Census, the sex ratio (i.e. number of females per thousand males) in India as a whole was 927. Further analysis of the census data…

Corpse Keshavan

He hated both – his job and his name but could change neither. Keshavan carted corpses for a living, interring unclaimed bodies irrespective of their religion. They were those who lived and died as numbers in the census records. Most…

The Bird in the Snow

On a cold noon of January, I reclined on the bed, recounting a story to the children. Beyond the thin blue curtains of the bedroom was the pale sky. Near me were the bright faces of my children. Though their…


An end always denotes a beginning. When life ends in one form it begins in another. So death is the beginning of life. Amba lay in bed, slowly preparing to give up her life of fairly long duration, to enter…


Characters Dasarathan Vasishtan Sumanthrar Guhan SreeRaman Lakshmanan Sutradharan Kausalya Kaikeyi Sita Mandhara atha kena prayukto ‘yam pâpam charati pûrushah anichchhann api vârshneya balâd iva niyojitah (The Bhagavad Gita. III-36. Then impelled by what does man lead such a life of…

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