On the Threshold of the House

On the threshold of the house

we never built, I waited for you.

In your ever-growing journeys

I was the attendant you never noticed.

My prayer had left its dwelling place

and it followed wherever you flew,

our child in my hands like a bleeding dream.

On the seashore home where waves end

I am one more sea that gushes within


I meet myself all again

at village school benches

the old few clothes at pulickal

in my dolls,my books, the love letters

nothing has grown old

drowned in songs, naked in worship

flames,dust under rain

my verse on the sky, for a moment

amidst lightning

in a pause

i repeat and repeat

lighter than lust

midway in myself

faithless in faith, towards death

in foolish order



my heart




poetry ,


walk within myself


to meet me

am I someone’s dream?

Midway in myself


I am the train that runs over me

crushing me to death

I am the rope that hangs me

from the ceiling of the ancestral home

I am the poison that whips my blood streams

and gives me a hasty, nasty blue demise

I am the well I jump into

that fills water in all the corners of my heart.

I am the roaming pyre

ready to cremate me all the time.

I am the victory stand too, that projects me proudly

and managing my laughter

says: ‘Get lost, world’


Your resolute steps sharp, proud,

yet blind while walking to me;

timid passion; I tossed the coin,

I will be passionate I decide,

if it rains tonight

over the sleeping garden.

You were sure to reach.

I talked to you about

the closure of time,

to make a silhouette, on the walls

for me to feel.

There is no time; take a shape and tell me

how cradles in your home rocked

and how you loved your beloved.

Let me tend to your laughter alone

and the mirth of your lips after you laughed.

I wish I’d dared to fall in love when

your lips moved against mine.

For the last time, I heard

as I slipped into

the arms of the night that bled the patterns of moonlight.

Beyond, you slept and faded in the unknown laws of living

and was drenched in the rain later.

I wish I’d dared to gather all that I lost.


i cross busy streets alone

talk to men and strange women

buy readymade masala powder

and eat animals once alive

sometimes I accept a lift i

have given loans and lost

loved and remained chaste

talked fire,

when angry never lighted the lamp

starved myself,

skipped prayers i

curled up tiny and foetal

thinking of you ,everyday,

in a fresh, air-conditioned room

I felt a faint stench of my flesh

mixed with agarbatti, rose and burned cds. ‘

though unclaimed in countless ways,

found many warm reasons to live.

i am yet again afraid

you’d scold me for all these

and for not wearing my golden anklets

into your light, into your prayer.

proud, now i know why you make garlands

pray and chant throughout,

for a vagrant, mischievous daughter

at war with the world.

i am yet again afraid you’d scold me for all these.


LAKSHMY RAJEEV. Poet and translator. Writes poetry in both English and Malayalam. She is doing a monthly column, ‘Pebbles’ for Deccan Herald Sunday Magazine, on living Indian poets. She also writes features in The Hindu and The Indian Express.

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Poet and translator. Writes poetry in both English and Malayalam. She is doing a monthly column, ‘Pebbles’ for Deccan Herald Sunday Magazine, on living Indian poets. She also writes features in The Hindu and The Indian Express.

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