Tag vol4.1

The Seventh Daughter

The Seventh one, Why did you have to barge In the house where the kitchen chimney is perennially cold? The little body afloat on the still water of the pond. Exclaimed the trees all around craning downward, Doesn’t she resemble…

This Time Soorpanaka

This time Soorpanaka approached Site directly seeking ltd eliminate the primary obstacle. Not io be outdone the gentle Sita looked her in the eye and said, ‘Perhaps you, can get me the golden deer.’ Soorpanaka nodded. Glad to have entered…

Properties of Rapture

Enraptured like a butterfly Drawing deep on nectar, You confront In the sweat from a sudden halt Of wind, time, and the current of dreams. Your room’s oppressive fracture, Suffused with the skin-glow Of a cobra, its hood aloft You…

Pushed out

Before I could be nine months old My mom’s womb pushed me out After nine days on earth behold My mom’s hands strangled me about My scream encased me in the earth to be old. In school I was a…

Song of the Slave

You aided me. In miracle manufacturing Like a feeling machine I authored your verse and voiced your songs. I reaped gold and green From your arid fields Sterile fury of your fading affections; and The torment of fake love were…

Prescription for Glasses

The optician adorned me with asteroid spectacles, taking away my sight before restoring it back to me. I was made to read the alphabets on his electric screen, first with one eye and then the other but not with both;…


As she talked, Amma’s eyes scanned the room: ’There’s a fly !’ The fly swat she held came down with force… a fly‘s corpse lay on the teapoy. We were sitting in the drawing toom, drinking tea. Amma held her…


  The sculpture on top of the hill was the result of Thundiyil Paily’s European tour. Finished in concrete and painted white, it is modelled on the Pieta. The parishioners didn’t take to it. Except for an occasional passer-by who…

Worldly Wisdom

  The village of Mettucheri was bustling with activity that day.  Enquiries revealed that an M.L.A was expected. A decorated pandal had been put up in front of the temple. From tiny tots to elders, everyone was roaming here and there with…

The Vein of Memory

  Her sound resembled that made by rusted hinges. A violet coloured vein stood out challengingly on her wrinkled neck. Straightening her spectacles a bit, the old woman asked without any particular introduction, ‘Do you write, dear?’ The girl did…

Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124