The Fluid Female

He demands my femininity

In its undiluted fullness

I am taken, sip by sip

Relished like a stiff drink

He finishes me

In slow mouthfuls

With a measured malice

Makes me empty

Not a droplet is left of me

Untouched by his thirst

Stern like a mountain

His sheer presence

Obstructs my playful youth

Once free as a brook!

He arrested my wild currents

Tamed each naughty ripple

Disciplined the waves

His impatient reprimand

Subdues me to glacial maturity

Solid and cold I grow old

From the mountainous heights of his ego

I manage to slip down and down

I shatter, I melt

Turn to tributaries

The streams of sweat

Pervade the terrain of skin

Amid the thin shores of veins

Bored blood trickles slowly

Starting from heart

The river of love

Dries up in the expanse of aloofness

The lava of lust

Leaves the furrows scorched in surfeit

Blocked in the wilderness of flesh;

The stagnant amniotic lake!

The foetus of futility

Stirs in its deep sorrows

The corpses of my unborn descendents

Float on the lethal surface

Yet no salty streams

Drip down my pallid cheeks

The eyes remain

Dry as cinders

My fixed stare

Scalds his pride

There is nothing left

Of me

Untouched by his thirst

Except; perhaps

This flaring gaze


There is something

Something indeed!

A torrential secret

He never unravels

All my streams join

An ocean, ultimately

My brain becomes the pulp of moon

To merge with your thought stream

You gambol and groan In the mad waters of my verse


Like a fierce fish

Unseen and voracious

My soul prowls

To capture you!


BINI SAJIL. Has submitted her doctoral thesis to the University of Kerala. Interested in creative writing and translation. Writes genuinely inspired poetry.

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Has submitted her doctoral thesis to the University of Kerala. Interested in creative writing and translation. Writes genuinely inspired poetry.

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