The Wayside Dream: A Woman’s Point

Wishes to robe

In new finery

And adorn

In rough blueness

Walk astride

To the shady tree

Board an omnibus

Crawling to town

There to walk

Some aimless stops

Lifting your face

To the smoky fumes

Find a companion

Lounging on the side

And sit somewhere

Sipping honey

Watching the road

In a dusty sun

Then at dusk. Returning

To find

Passive glance

Unquestioning in trust

Oh! the joys

Of forbidden dreams.


ARATHY ASOK. Working as guest lecturer at the Government Music College, Palakkad,. Creative writing in is one of her passions, the other thing being theatre. She has written a number of poems, articles and short stories. She is a promising poet.

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Working as guest lecturer at the Government Music College, Palakkad,. Creative writing in is one of her passions, the other thing being theatre. She has written a number of poems, articles and short stories. She is a promising poet

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